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Central Office: DADE CITY, FL - EMBARQ FLORIDA, INC. [?]

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WendyB - 11-23-2015

Tax fraud scam. Here's the message left (or at least what the voice recognition program could make out of it considering the guy's accent):
"You or your retained attorney of record to return the call the issue at hand is extremely time sensitive. And very urgent. We have received a legal application against your name regarding a tax for jackson wish you know before things get worse and the fourth thing is Get Auto Finance do call us back immediately. The number where you can reach is that is (352) 458-5533? Again that number is (352) 458-5533 do not disregard this message and do return the call if I do not hear from you or from your attorney either the only thing I can do is wish you a good luck as this situation unfolds on you once again this is an automated message from ... you always do call us back once you read this message. Thank you and have a good day. Bye." After listening to the message, "jackson" is actually "tax evasion", and "automated message from..." is "from IRS".

Caller type: Scammer
Company: unknown claims IRS
Number: 352-458-5533


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