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Central Office: DEBARY, FL - US LEC OF FLORIDA, INC. [?]

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pissed - 08-25-2014

What a bunch of bullshit. Needed a loan. They called me after I applied online and told me to go get a reloadit card from safeway with $160 on it for a $2500 loan. Did that. Then they called and said to get another card for some other fee they didn't mention. I told them they didn't mention that so they said they would refund it to me once I got the loan, so I did that. Then they said the lender wanted insurance since my credit was so bad in the amount of $300. Told them I didn't have it. They said just come up with half and they would take the rest out of the loan which they had now raised to $3000. Did that. Then they said the lender wouldn't allow it and I needed the full amount. Pawned some stuff and got the rest. Then they said I needed a loan application amount of $490! I told them to refund everything I had paid and that they better do it in a timely fashion. SCAM ALERT!!!

Number: 386-232-1244


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