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Jaime Metzger - 05-07-2010

They just called my house at 4 a.m.!!! I pressed the button for more info just so I could tell them what I thought of them waking me andy baby, but no one was there to answer the phone! Is this allowed?? I'm so angry.........

Number: 407-545-6413


Vicki - 05-06-2010

They called me at about 7:30 pm a couple of days ago about an all-inclusive trip to Orlando for $298 whereas it normally costs over $3000. This sounds so similar to other calls I've received before where it's not really all-inclusive when you really ask them (like you have to pay for your own airfare or port fees for a cruise). I asked where did they get my number and they couldn't tell me. I asked for more information and I think they got the gist that I was onto them since they just gave me their website and wanted to hang up. I asked for their phone number and they said it would be on their website (it wasn't--so no toll-free number) or use the number on caller id. The website is (I think that's what they said, or at least you don't get a real website without the hyphen, just a domain that's been squatted). The website doesn't really have any information at all, it definitely wasn't meant to effectively market anything. I did a bit of searching since I frequently get these kinds of calls at home and work, and it turns out that these are generally either timeshare companies (which often have unethical/unprofessional practices) or companies that are outright scams.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Bahamas House
Number: 407-545-6413


shab - 05-04-2010

I have asked them so many times to remove me from their list and they will not. I also have loged compaints with FCC website

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 407-545-6413


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