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Gary glitter - 03-27-2013

16-831-4995 SCAM !!!!! Liar!!!!! frank

That's great, i reported this b*****d to the R.C.M.P. This Guy selling Fake Windows 7 software and fake Cs5 Master collection Software IS A *REGISTERED CHILD MOLESTER in ONTARIO donates stolen computers to children charities and sells pirated software, will be getting a surprise 1st knock on his house door by the R.C.M.P. which will conduct early morning raids this month.SELLS EVERYTHING, CARS, STOLEN CAR PARTS, FAKE CONCERT TICKETS,GERMAN DOLLS,FAKE HOCKEY TICKETS, FAKE HANDBAGS,FAKE VIAGRA, & GERMAN CHILD PORN ON BLU-RAY...This rip-off artist will be the first to go Jail, because they know where he lives. Prison is where society sends their failures.

Lives in the weston rd area and drives a Red Chevy Blazer.

CHANGED HIS NUMBERS 3 TIMES 647-701-5622, 416-551-6500, 647-381-5236

3 Other Sellers & 5 customers are already in Jail facing fines of $450,000 and 10 years in PENETAG
Call Type: Debt Collector

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 416-831-4995


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