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Unlisted - 01-14-2015

Reported Scammer calling from (480)-492-3854 AT&T Mobile in Phoenix, AZ ("Wireless Caller" on Caller ID) to DONOTCALL.GOV. Received unwanted call on my unlisted phone on Wed. 11/5/14 at 10:34am & didn't leave a voicemail. Message to Scammer/Harasser: DO NOT CALL. I've been receiving these unscrupulous calls continually since April 2014 - the FCC has rules in effect that address unsolicited telephone marketing calls – including those using automated and prerecorded messages. Under current FCC rules:

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Wireless Caller on Caller ID
Number: 480-492-3854


Unlisted - 01-14-2015

Reported Scammer calling from (480)-492-3854 AT&T Mobile in Phoenix, AZ ("Wireless Caller" on Caller ID) to DONOTCALL.GOV. Received unwanted call on my unlisted phone on Wed. 11/5/14 at 10:34am & didn't leave a voicemail. Message to Scammer/Harasser: DO NOT CALL. I've been receiving these unscrupulous calls continually since April 2014 - the FCC has rules in effect that address unsolicited telephone marketing calls – including those using automated and prerecorded messages. Under current FCC rules:

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Wireless Caller on Caller ID
Number: 480-492-3854


No-Call List Larry - 11-05-2014

Annoying calls. Have asked how they got a number, to be removed multiple times, then get hung up on. I'd love for you to setup that voice mail so I can let you know how I feel about your BS practices.

Do you honestly get paid to do what you're doing? Seems pretty, read a script, hang up if person on the other end engages you with any questions.

Typical BS, hiding behind the fact that law enforcement has WAY better things to do than deal with your pathetic practices.

Go. Away.

Company: We Hang Up When Asked Company
Number: 480-492-3854


Kristine - 11-05-2014

Same number keeps popping up on my caller ID; says wireless caller.

Number: 480-492-3854


na - 11-04-2014

I get calls and talk to them. Anytime I ask to be removed they hang up on me. This time I wanted to get their name of the company. They say it's for solar energy and not a company. I asked you are a company, who do you work for so I can confirm it's a ligit company. They hung up.
This company needs shut down. The agents are clearly being coached to hang up when asked to be removed or when asked any questions on the company. I want to report them to the DNC agency since I asked to be removed numerous times.

Caller type: Other
Company: Caller Refused to say where they worked and hung up when I asked
Number: 480-492-3854


Telemarketers are evil people and need to be dealt with accordingly - 11-03-2014

Grrr. Someone needs to hurt tlearketers. I can't.

Caller type: Sociopath
Number: 480-492-3854


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