512-813-7264 = caller id = Austin TX = RoboCaller leaving computer voice mail w/o details and w/o ID = if this were legit, they would mail me a notice which is legal = leaving a Robo VM is illegal = getting exact same message from all over the country this past year = I block each and every number = here is transcript = "Your case number is 887-6295. The moment you receive this message I need you or your retained attorney of records to return the call. The issue at hand is extremely time sensitive. My phone number is 512-813-7264. Do not disregard this message and do return the call. Now if you don't return the call and I don't hear from your attorney either then the only thing I can do if wish you and good luck as the situation totally unfolds on you. Goodbye."
512-813-7264 = caller id = Austin TX = RoboCaller leaving computer voice mail w/o details and w/o ID = if this were legit, they would mail me a notice which is legal = leaving a Robo VM is illegal = getting exact same message from all over the country this past year = I block each and every number = here is transcript = "Your case number is 887-6295. The moment you receive this message I need you or your retained attorney of records to return the call. The issue at hand is extremely time sensitive. My phone number is 512-813-7264. Do not disregard this message and do return the call. Now if you don't return the call and I don't hear from your attorney either then the only thing I can do if wish you and good luck as the situation totally unfolds on you. Goodbye."
Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: refused moron
Number: 512-813-7264