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Miyacaskawin - 05-10-2014

I was awakened at 2:51 a.m. Nobody calls at that time unless it's an emergency, so the first people that come to mind are my children, and my elderly father-in-law. Nope, it's a call from an unknown number, 514-389-5229. Frustrated, I call it back, but it's endlessly busy. Upon a web search, I find this number is a culprit in the rude and unsolicited middle of the night awakening of quite a number of innocent people. My solution? I blocked the number from ever violating me again -- and not just 514-389-5229, but the entire list of numbers attributed to an "A Nikolayenko" of Montreal, Quebec. Success. I can sleep tonight.

Caller type: Other
Number: 514-389-5229


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