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CTbear - 01-18-2012

These people WILL NOT STOP calling! I have threatened them and everything I know to do. I have put them on my call blocker list but they keep calling under different phone numbers. They are from a "Work at home" agency. How can I stop them!!!!!!! These are the other number they call from: 602-264-2270, 877-336-7194,307-654-1634,480-382-7768,520-777-0007, 775-358-8842, 877-748-4846, 602-296-4218, 772-224-3390, 480-642-1671, 425-390-8134623-277-5159, 520-413-1501, 888-279-6589, 831-645-4715407-702-0538. Maybe that will help others!!!!!!

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 520-477-6509


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