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Central Office: BUTTE CITY, CA - PAC - WEST TELECOMM, INC. [?]

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karen - 01-30-2012

I received the call on my cell phone on Saturday morning at 7am. It went to voice mail and the man had an Indian accent but went to tell me to not ignore the call and have my a attorney or myself call. He then said if I did good luck.

I called back on Monday and spoke to a woman who told me that the next day the police would be coming to arrest me. I asked her who the creditor was and if they had filed a law suit, she said they would bring the paperwork then arrest me. I asked her was this a criminal matter, since I know I cannot be arrested for a civil matter, and she hung up on me.

I called back and asked for a case number since I was to arrested the following day and went to my local sites and sheriff department sites to look for this case. I could not find anything. When I called again they said it was a civil matter and have all my personal information, place of work,ss#, address.

They are not on the Better Business Bureau site, you cannot get a name for the number, and they make threats without thinking. I believe this to be some type of scam.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Department of legal affairs and investigation
Number: 530-884-2918


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