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Central Office: ASHLAND, OR - 360NETWORKS (USA) INC. - OR [?]

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py - 01-07-2016

I got phone call in the morning and it was message to them ASAP as "IRS is filing a suit against me"

Company: IRS
Number: 541-708-3505


TM - 01-07-2016

Really. Are we new? Its so easy today to check this crap out. But they are just playing the percentages in a game that will never stop.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: IRS
Number: 541-708-3505


Mike - 01-07-2016

541-708-3505 called at 6:45 a.m. to say "This is the final notice from IRS."

Woke me up with this nonsense.

Caller type: Other
Number: 541-708-3505


jenners - 01-07-2016

a recording call that said that the irs is pressing chargers? i dont believe this for a moment

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: IRS
Number: 541-708-3505


BearsZX72 - 01-07-2016

Called and left message that I am under a new law suit with the IRS and I need to call the offices and settle before the case starts.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: IRS
Number: 541-708-3505


67siia - 01-07-2016

IRS filing lawsuits

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: IRS
Number: 541-708-3505


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