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JC - 02-15-2014

Robert Wilson called staying he was assistant to IRS INVESTIGATOR Adam Spencer. Informed him I was his wife and asked for explanation since we filed joint taxes. He said I had to call back and speak with Adam. Their phone # is 607-241-2857. Glad I decided to do my research and found the same calls were being reported.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Robert Wilson
Company: IRS
Number: 607-216-8884


Bsay - 02-06-2014

Caller claims he is with the IRS he said that we are in trouble with the IRS we are also being investigated.and if we make payment to him the can forget the investigation. I asked his name and he said it is Robert smith with his poor english i told him you do not sound like a ROBERT SMITH.I TOLD HIM TO GIVE ME A NUMBER TO CALL HIM BACK AND HE GAVE ME 607-216-8884.AT THAT POINT I KNOW HE WAS A SCAMMER.i TOLD HIM IN A RUDE WAY NOT TO EVER CALL AGAIN AND HANG UP.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: IRS
Number: 607-216-8884


S Chanda - 02-03-2014

IRS collection, asked to call back at 607-216-8884

Caller type: Scammer
Company: IRS
Number: 607-216-8884


vz - 02-03-2014

They call early morning and say that you have tax issues, when I asked why I did not get any mail and got a phone call after filings tax for 20+ years the guy just hung up
he was also talking about arrest by police and losing assets

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Adam Spencer
Company: IRS
Number: 607-216-8884


S - 01-31-2014

They called me and left a message and I called them bk, So they say that I owe taxes and that if I don't pay them 5000+ dollars, IRS will come and arrest me in an hr & I'll have to pay 25000 + 5 yrs in prison and will loose all my assets, including bank account. So I told him to come and that I'll wait, so he said ThankYou and cut the phone

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Dan
Company: IRS
Number: 607-216-8884


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