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OJ - 07-17-2014

I just got a call from this number and when I answered, they hung up and then I got a text asking me if 'xx' is what I do for a living. I said yes, I missed your call. He then proceeded to send me a couple texts and said he googled my number and found that what I did for a living. Then said that I had nice legs....I said, I should look to see what is online about me. He said it was my business picture of me standing up, so he couldn't see all my legs, but that they looked nice. Weird. I asked his name.....said his name was Korey. He asked if I had other pictures, I said only what you see online and then I asked what his agenda was. He said his only agenda was to talk w/me. He then sent me a picture of himself. I said nice to meet you, I have to get back to work, enjoy your day.
He sent more texts asking what I am wearing today and asked what a woman w/legs like mine wears.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Korey
Number: 630-730-6350


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