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Central Office: BAYPORT, NY - XO NEW YORK, INC. [?]

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Annoyed - 11-19-2014

I answered the phone at my father's house, and someone asked if I was Mrs. So and so I said no (they had the correct last name, but I'm married so it's not my name anymore). They hung up. There were other people in the back ground, like a call bank. I googled the number and found nothing. I then called back and someone answered saying "Hello Morton, where are you? Are you coming to get me?" When I asked who this was they said they were looking for their son Morton. The person sounded like Adam Sandler on his old prank discs. There the same background noise as when they called. Really annoying and wish this could be stopped.

Caller type: Other
Company: Americas Beef
Number: 631-883-4368


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