FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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joe - 04-13-2015

I think I might have fallen for it, what should I do next?

Number: 635-603-2456


el zorro - 04-13-2015

It's ridiculous how many people will fall for this obvious scam and really sad that the authorities won't protect us, so people please have some common sense. The guy allegedly works for Microsoft yet he can't prove his credentials and he doesn't know anything about his own claim like who hacked your computer, what type of hack was done or what type of info is compromised, also he knows nothing about your system.
I told him that I didnt own a computer and he got nervous then I asked him for his Microsoft I.D. a call back number and an explanation of why they call me when I don't own a computer? Next thing he hanged up. Btw I do own a computer and I didn't get hacked today. Good luck to all those naive souls that will..

Number: 635-603-2456


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