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Almost Scammed - 02-20-2013

BEWARE BEWARE --- THIS IS A TOTAL SCAM. I received a series of emails from this number on my Craigslist ad from a guy identifying himself as "John from NY". When I called the number a I got an automated screening answering machine for "Steven Johnson". In the emails he wanted to buy an item that was too heavy to ship using Pay Pal and he wanted all kinds of personal banking information so he could send me the purchase money. I wish I had a way of finding this guy so I could make a "personal delivery".

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: John from NY
Company: Steven Johnson
Number: 646-470-3768


Almost Scammed - 02-20-2013

BEWARE BEWARE --- THIS IS A TOTAL SCAM. I received a series of emails from this number on my Craigslist ad from a guy identifying himself as "John from NY". When I called the number a I got an automated screening answering machine for "Steven Johnson". In the emails he wanted to buy an item that was too heavy to ship using Pay Pal and he wanted all kinds of personal banking information so he could send me the purchase money. I wish I had a way of finding this guy so I could make a "personal delivery".

Caller: Johnof NY
Company: Steven Johnson
Number: 646-470-3768


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