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tls - 03-30-2015

March 28 2015
Said he was with the legal dept of the treasury and I was a primary suspect in a tax fraud case.
He said it was a back audit case from 1999-2004.He told me I had 2 options. (1)OOCR (out of court restitution. (2) fight case in criminal court. If I lost the case, the judgment would be $20,000 fine and/or 180 days to 6 months jail time. He told me to go to bank, cash a check for $250. He told me to go to Walmart and get an Express payment form,it was blue in color, a money gram. Then I was to call him with receipt of reference number and he would tell me where to mail it.I told bank was closed now,but I would call him back Monday. Guess What? He called me Monday morning asking what happened. I told him I spoke to the Attorney Generals office, and they told me this was a scam. He said,"What do you mean"? After I let him have it,he got real sassy.I told him he was busted!!I said,"oh yeah,the attorney general wants to know where to send this money"? He replied, Afganistan. He spoke with a foreign accent.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Rick Brown and Gerald Cohen
Company: USTreasury Dept
Number: 646-543-9947


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