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Rob of NY - 06-05-2015

I picked up after 8 calls in 4 days. These &^&*& morons are [***] to get MMA's (mixed martial arts) legalized in NY. While I have nothing against it; I do hate lowlifes that make dozens of calls just to get their agenda. So, I called my representative to vote AGAINST it (I might have actually been for or neutral).

So now a sporting event company from Las Vegas is using robocalls - what does it take to get the scumbags to stop.

Caller type: Politician
Caller: MMA Firm from Las Vegas
Number: 646-759-0896


Rob of NY - 05-26-2015

When called back - it stated I reached the campaign voice mail - just asking me to leave a message.

Caller type: Politician
Number: 646-759-0896


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