I gave birth at an early age, and I was unable to finish my education. My entire life became my boyfriends and my children and there was to time for ME. The hope house took me in and gave me an opportunity to get back into school and pursue a new career. Please support this charity http://www.hopehouseatl.org
Number: 678-410-7350
The Hope House is a fairly New Non-Profit organization that provides a safe haven for women (and in some cases, men) that may be transitioning from domestically violent situations. Any clothing and reusable household items that are donated help to generate funds so these services can be provided. There are currently more than three families with approximately 18 children between them that are reaping the benefits of your donations. We are working on the quantity of the calls. Thank you in advance for your support. http://www.hopehouseatl.org
Caller type: Fundraiser
Number: 678-410-7350
This number belongs to the HOPE HOUSE. They are a charity that provides for people that are transitioning from domestically violent and abusive relationships. They were calling to see if you had any clothing or reusable household items to support the cause. The hope house has been an active charity for over two years and are currently housing 18 children from five families. They are in partnership with PADV. Please be sure to visit their website http://www.hopehouseatl.org
Number: 678-410-7350