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H8politx - 10-25-2014

Maybe it was Mitt Romney. I hear he's bored these days. Or, it could be W, or Dickie Cheney. Since they lied about weapons of mass destruction and Haliburton, you never know what else they will lie about!

Number: 704-351-9704


Jill - 10-22-2014

Thanks Obama!

Number: 704-351-9704


jack - 10-21-2014

Called my mobile number and a recording told me that I won a free Bahamas trip and that I needed to take a quick survey before they would give me the trip information. This telemarketing scam has been around since the phone was created. They entice with the bait (trip) then to get around the US laws, you have to take their survey since survey calls are not included in the Do Not Call Registry... once you take the survey, they give you the trip info from a real representative who pressures you for your credit card number. Once you give your number, you will never see a Bahama's trip enter your mailbox. Might as well burn your cash then piss on it. If the US can put a man on the moon, invent the microchip and protect our country from ebola... why can't we stop these freaking telemarketers and scammers from calling our mobile and home phones? Sounds fishy to me... Maybe Obama is a closet telemarketer? You never know!

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 704-351-9704


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