FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


Central Office: HOUSTON, TX - NSN WIRELESS, L.P. - TX [?]

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Tima - 10-13-2011

This company is a scamm!!!!!!!!!!! Don't call then or hire then they will scam you out your money !!!!!!!
This people are Isrealies and they come to this counry to scamm us the american and any other race.... This scamm people needs to be send back where they come from !!!!!!
I would never call then up again !!!
I did find out, this scammmers are using the name of a good acreadable company here in Houston.. so when you call they say they are 1st choice but you can tell in the voice they are not from the states... This scammer need to be stop messing a good reputed company name up!!! They need to go back where they come from...
This scammer are over charging for a very shady work they do...

Caller type: Fundraiser
Number: 713-581-2599


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