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Jamie - 07-03-2012

So my mother, who's in her mid-fifties, picks up the telephone. She says, "Hello?" and when he asks for a Mark, says "no, no Mark" as she doesn't speak English fluently. This man yells at her to "Wake up! Get a job! Learn to speak English!" I hear all of this, ask her for the phone and politely ask what the problem was. He very rudely drawls, "Yes I need to speak to someone who KNOWS ENGLISH." I told him there was no Mark with this number, as we've had it for two years, and told him to get a life. He rudely continued to insult me, so I said, "Hey, how's this for English? Fuck off." and hung up. Called the company back and some lady with a clear New York accent (I live in California) told me she would take the number out of her record book. We'll see if it's true.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Number: 716-242-8634


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