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M Martinez - 07-14-2011

I recieved a call from this number a few days ago. The lady spoke in Spanish and said she was looking for Dolores or some mans name that I forgot. I informed her that she had the wrong number. She repeated the number back to me. It was my phone number, but again, I let her know she had the wrong number and that I didnt know anyone by the names she gave me. She continued to press the issue that it was vital she speak to those people regarding a contract they signed. I again, informed her that I did not know those people and that I have had said phone number for approximately 5 years now. And in those 5 years I havent had any problems with callers persisting that I get so-and-so on the phone. Finally, I hung up. I have since continued to get phone calls every day from the same number. I will not be answering since I have already made it clear that they are reaching the wrong person. Please help me put an end to this harassment.

Caller type: Other
Number: 718-874-3773


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