FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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Problems - 06-05-2015

Please stop the calling

Caller type: Other
Number: 728-726-4127


phone - 06-05-2015

Call was an automated offer to lower my credit rate, implying they were my bank. I had to dial nine to be connected to someone, then was told I was the 12 caller on the line. I was connected with someone in ~ 1 minute, and when I asked them to take my number off their list there was no response.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Park something
Number: 728-726-4127


lee - 06-05-2015

Keeps calling my phone waking me up. DIsn't answer. No voicemail. They've done those 3 times today. Called them back, and I get number not in service.

Caller type: Other
Number: 728-726-4127


Over called - 06-05-2015

offered to lower my credit card interest rate.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 728-726-4127


perplexed - 06-05-2015

There is no area code 728 so I would not answer call. 728-726-4127

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 728-726-4127


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