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Joan - 11-04-2014

Do not even answer when I pick up and say hello, but line stays active. Maybe they are not equipped to answer pick-ups, only robo-call and leave messages? I have been getting loan scams and they can get around call blocking. So many I will have to change my number. I have gotten on the list of a lot of scam loan places, most from India.

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 747-201-9743


The Reverend - 11-04-2014

originally called from a few different numbers ,mostly 415-315-9525,then 747-201-9743.
This is scam call for a pre approved loan. Even when you put a block on your phone,it still is able to go to voice message.

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 747-201-9743


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