Central Office:
Lucky Dillon -
This phone number belongs to a scammer with many different names who takes deposits for rental properties that they do not own on Zillow and other online sites. They have properties listed in Colorado , Iowa and Houston just to name a few. The name of their game is getting deposits and personal information to use for identity theft.
Do not fall for it. Also report any emails that they are using to help others.
This phone number belongs to a scammer with many different names who takes deposits for rental properties that they do not own on Zillow and other online sites. They have properties listed in Colorado , Iowa and Houston just to name a few. The name of their game is getting deposits and personal information to use for identity theft.
Do not fall for it. Also report any emails that they are using to help others.
Caller type: Scammer
Caller: many different names
Number: 757-512-7811