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anonymous - 06-03-2013

I got a call from this number, and received a recorded message asking for me by my name or someone who could confirm an address.

I took it and got transferred to an "agent" who identified himself being an agent from "Evans & Associates", a company located in New York state ... weird being a 760 area code (California) phone number.

He just mentioned an old address of mine but when asked, he refused to discuss why was I being contacted about unless I confirmed my SSN ... I thought it was just my address they wanted, according to the recorded message.

Then, when I asked him from which company he was trying to contact me, he also refused to give me such information and kept insisting that I should confirm my social security number to discuss it.

When I told him that I had no idea who they were or why they were trying to contact me or even where they got my information, he mentioned if was from his "client". I told him that I had never contacted anyone from New York, he said that they had a wide clientele, not only from New York ... fair enough ... but at least tell me what the hell you want before you steal my identity.

At this point he said he'd have to terminate the call, and so I did.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: Evans Associates
Number: 760-979-5812


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