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PlayingWithTrolls - 05-03-2015

Ignored the call and listened to the VM. Decided to call back and have some fun. I'm retired and have all the time in the world to play with these nimrods. So I call back and get "Richard" whose real name is probably Punjab. I play along acting very concerned and worried. Barely able to understand this a$$hole, I ask tons of questions, and then start to stutter. I tell him that when I get nervous, I start to stutter (not really). I keep him on the line for over 10 minutes between the questions and stuttering. He's getting annoyed but thinks he has a fish on the line, so he tolerates my stuttering.

He tells me all the details of the "case" and that I should handle it outside the courtroom. I'm supposed to go to a Western Union or some other $$ transfer place. We wants me to call him back when I get there. 10 minutes later, after 15 rings, he finally answers. He tells me exactly what forms to get and what to do. Playing along for another few minutes, I ask him if i can ask a question. He says sure. And I blast him with a bunch of expletives, telling him to go back to India, and how I just wasted 20 minutes of his time, keeping some innocent senior citizen from getting scammed.

After trading expletives for a bit, I tell him to $@&!?&$@ and hang up. I love these guys.

Sometimes use my Rainman voice, other times little Billie's voice, but the stutter just came to me.

Caller: Richard
Company: FL Attorney General yeah right
Number: 786-329-5497


William - 04-13-2015

This company calls people to get personal information from them claiming that their person they're looking for someone who has a warrent out for their arrest. When I refused to give them personal information I was verbally assaulted and was told to go kill myself. When I asked to speak to someone in charged the representative just laughed at me.

Number: 786-329-5497


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