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not debbie - 04-01-2010

NCO is a bogus collection agency who buys very old debt ( debt that the statue of limitations has expired) and they purchase this old debt for pennies on the dollar and then proceed to attempt and collect this old debt. Becasue the debt is so old , the bogus collectors have NO current contact info and therefore repeatedly call wrong numbers. I my case, I have had my number over 4 years and they are calling for the person that had the number before me...Low Paid low life scums....there are reputable collection agnecys but this is not one of them... report to fcc!!!!

Number: 800-883-0613


Furious - 04-07-2009

They keep calling (daily) for my husband's ex wife (divorced over 20 years). Reported it to State Attorney and Sheriff as they have been told numerous times to remove us from their list and it is now harassment. Next step - - new UNLISTED phone number. Supposedly this is a SCAM and not a collection agency.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: NCO FinancialCapital One
Number: 800-883-0613


baked - 12-13-2008

always manage to call during my meals

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: NCO Financial
Number: 800-883-0613


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