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Frazier - 03-06-2010

Alright. The guy was probably trying to pull a trick on me. I will be getting a credit step increase on the Capital One account in about two weeks when the the 7th statement cut.

He was asking me to make a BT on the remaining balance on the account, if I'm stupid enough to say yes, then he will go ahead and make it, and once the 3% BT fee is tag on top of that, I will shoot over the CL leading to an AA. Then all the terms on the CC will change. I will lose all the 0% BT offer and APR will shoot over the roof.

I already done the calculation myself and I said no thanks. II told him if you can double my CL, then I will use the card for purchases and not another BT again.

When did CCC started all these kind of tricks? If you want me to do business with you, then give me a CL higher or at least equivalent to other lenders or at least a lower APR.


Caller type: Scammer
Number: 800-955-7070


Toto - 03-17-2009

I encountered a rude caller from Capital One. She sounded irritated the moment I picked up the phone. She shouldn't be in the customer service industry. Capital One, train your people well.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Capital One
Number: 800-955-7070


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