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Dont Like Stacey Macko - 01-11-2013

ACS Needs to fire that fat pig Stacey Macko she is clearly the worst collector in the company and also reeks the only reason she has a job there is because she is Cindy's spy which is why she tattles on everybody hopefully her car will die or she won't be able to afford gas with that long commute to work and we'll never see her again and never hear her talk about her fat loser sons Brandon and Dylan.
Caller: Don't Like Stacey Macko

Number: 800-962-9898


Dennis P - 01-16-2009

The people who called me from this company were verbally abusive. They were very arrogant and rude.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Associated Credit Services
Number: 800-962-9898


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