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Limom - 05-29-2009

Wow! You are great! Aacc keeps calling with other names as call center or Norfolk. Can you send them the black fax? I will be forever greatful. They call everyday over and over for years! I never answer. Their number is:
(804) 234-9054
(757) 961-3548

They harass with calls but don't speak!

Number: 804-234-9054


Mike - 05-28-2009

I called them and asked their fax number. I verified it and I will send thousands of faxes through my broadcast mode. They will be multi-page (all solid black). I will pass this on and they will have no choice but to change their number. It is 586-446-1798
Lets give 'em hell.

Number: 804-234-9054


Doyle - 04-12-2009

This company calls multiple times per day, all hours of the day and night. They have no respect for anyones privacy and love to annoy you. It does no good to ask them not to call you, they harass you, and everything each time they call. They are very rude and inconsiderate. They try to contact people that dont even reside at your address, it does no good to tell them so as they dont beleive you and will continually call you and harrass you! They even accused my wife of having a credit card she owed money on and she doesnt even own a credit card to her name, we dont like buying on credit, so I knew this was not true. There seems at this point to be no way of stopping them from calling!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: AACC
Number: 804-234-9054


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