816-666-7575 was bought by AVID Communications in KC in 2012 but was given to their client Bandwidth.com. I filed a BBB complaint against AVID and filed a 'Potential AUP Violations' with Bandwidth.com. You can do that at http://bandwidth.com/resources/legal/policy_violations.html. The more people who file, the more likely action will be taken.
816-666-7575 was bought by AVID Communications in KC in 2012 but was given to their client Bandwidth.com. I filed a BBB complaint against AVID and filed a 'Potential AUP Violations' with Bandwidth.com. You can do that at http://bandwidth.com/resources/legal/policy_violations.html. The more people who file, the more likely action will be taken.
Number: 816-666-7575