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dc - 05-31-2013

816-666-7575 was bought by AVID Communications in KC in 2012 but was given to their client I filed a BBB complaint against AVID and filed a 'Potential AUP Violations' with You can do that at The more people who file, the more likely action will be taken.

Number: 816-666-7575


Kansas City Resident - 05-23-2013

I get calls from this number on a regular basis. When I answer the phone, no one speaks. When I let it go to the answering machine, no message is left. If I call the number back, it does not connect, or ring; as if I had not dialed a number at all. The caller ID reads: V52216115005260.

I entered a complaint about this number on the Do No Call Registry tonight. Obviously others are receiving calls of the same nature from this number and in states other than Missouri. I'm fed up. So every time I get a call from this number, I'll be filing another complaint. I'm done with this.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: V52216115005260 Caller ID
Number: 816-666-7575


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