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Central Office: AZLE, TX - GTE-SW DBA VERIZON SW INC.-TX [?]

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Baldo Hamm - 12-23-2008

this call came in on a cel phone number.
I get tons of similar calls (daily two or three ) on the home phone

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 817-444-5194


Jen - 12-22-2008

This number calls all of the lines on our business phone several times a day - many times we answer and they just hang up without saying anything, other times it is a recording stating that it is the "3rd and final notice" that our car warranty is about to expire. These people call all of the cell phones in my family as well as my home phone and all of those numbers are on the "Do Not Call" list. If you press 1 to get through to someone and ask them to remove your number, they just hang up on you - is there anything that we can do to stop this harrassment????

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 817-444-5194


K - 12-20-2008

Used car warranty scam. I do not even have warranty left on my vehicle. When I spoke to the agent, she claimed that my phone number was referred by the car manufacturer to renew my warranty. When I questioned her, she was quick to say that she will remove me from the calling list. This is definitely a scam.

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 817-444-5194


House - 12-20-2008

more warranty expiration scammers

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 817-444-5194


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