FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


Central Office: ARLINGTON, TX - ICG CHOICE COM, L.P. - TX [?]

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Annoyed - 08-06-2014

why do we have a "do not call list"?
still get calls & the caller suffers no consequence.
why can politicians call?

Caller type: Politician
Number: 817-855-5596


JerryG - 08-04-2014

Called my land line twice today 4 hours apart.

Caller type: Politician
Caller: no caller name robocall
Number: 817-855-5596


T - 08-04-2014

Has called 5 times today twice in a row 10 seconds apart. They are calling regarding political voting. Very annoying, and will not leave message.

Caller type: Other
Number: 817-855-5596


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