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K - 04-23-2015

stated had a lawsuit pending against me asked for information and to send me something in the mail if its real got nasty called me a "bitch" ad i called my law enforcement they said this is a SCAM do not give them money

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Ricky
Company: pre trial processor
Number: 843-214-2600


tonya - 04-23-2015

There are real but use scare tactics to get you to settle. I had two allegations held against me and the charges were $1600. I was going through hardship and had too many payday loans in 2008;like 3 or 4. I closed my bank account so that the lenders could not draft my account. After I paid my settlement of $700 plus $30 processing fee, I was given a confirmation code and statement of the case via email. They will also send me a case close report via U.S mail. This is real folks. They are not scammers. If you had a payday loan in the past and defaulted, then this is a real lawsuit. If you take it to court, you could face higher fees and garnishments of your wages.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Pretrial Processing
Number: 843-214-2600


john - 04-22-2015

I received a call from 843-214-2600 yesterday. A message was left on my work phone that a complaint had been file in court against me. When I called the number I was told I had not paid a Payday Loan from 2009 and I owe over $800 for the loan and interest incurred. I was told if I settled with them that day for $660 I would not have to go to Court. They gave me the name of the suposed payday loan company but could not give me the address or phone number. Beware of if someone calls from this number

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: John Lewis
Company: Pre Trial and Processor
Number: 843-214-2600


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