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Pappadoo - 10-07-2015

I was contacted today by Stark Recovery for a payday loan from Midland Financial that they say happened in 2011. We pulled our bank statements from the time they said it occurred and there is NO record of any deposits or denied payments, which they say happened and NO record of any dealings with them! They have my social security #, my wifes cell phone number, not mine, my current address, my place of employment. The address was not were we lived in 2011, my wife didn't have a cell till 2013. They will not listen or help with specifics and just threaten a lawsuit if you don't pay them, I'll be talking to a lawyer and I have already put a complaint in and will be contacting the FBI too.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Beverly Parker
Company: Stark Recovery
Number: 844-236-4732