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frances allen - 04-25-2014

They were gonna summons me to court over a check from evergreen loan company said i owed a large amount. Never heard of company and could not produce paperwork. Call me from unknown name and number.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Sandy
Company: lgw
Number: 855-233-7310


LGW - 04-03-2014

Said I cosigned a loan for someone and if I did not call them back they would subpoena me in court to make a statement on his behalf. They also called his mom and stated the same thing.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Sharon goldstein
Number: 855-233-7310


Aaron - 03-28-2014

I keep receiving harassing phone calls from 855-233-7310, they are saying I need to pay back a loan from Citi Bank or they will issue a subpoena in a civil suit for "attempt to fraud" and "breach of contract," they are threatening me that a courier is on the way to issue papers and I could be arrested if I don't pay by 1pm which is the deadline when this "enters the court system."

This loan was paid off in 2005 and the account is closed.

They call themselves Vanguard Processing Attorneys, they won't give me their street address or website and when I pressured them to do so they told me to "kiss their ass"

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Sharon Goldstein Rachel Willmore
Company: Vangaurd Processing Attorneys
Number: 855-233-7310


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