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Deanna - 01-31-2014

I am getting these harassing calls too!!! Not sure if I should take it seriously or its a scam! Does anyone know???

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Tim Carter
Company: Legal Department
Number: 855-264-2060


Elizabeth - 01-08-2014

The same thing that Rima said happened to me. They called me at my job (I don't know how they got my number), saying that I defaulted on a loan I never took out a loan.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Jenny Cooper
Number: 855-264-2060


Rima - 01-06-2014

The lady said her name is Jenny Cooper (strong accent) and had a legal complaint against me. She also said that I would regret not calling them I took that as a threat. They called my work number and said this to one of our employees and called and left a voicemail on my phone. I

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Jenny Cooper
Company: United Cash
Number: 855-264-2060


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