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Jay - 01-14-2014

They keep calling my phone from blocked or private numbers claiming I owe money from a check cashing place. They will not send any information to you with there address. They just want to set up a payment plan and method of payment over the phone right away. If you do not agree with their one time offer of settlement, they will send you papers from court. Scammers......they are no where to be found online

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Toni Nixion
Company: Coasters
Number: 855-304-3487


Jay - 01-14-2014

They keep calling my phone from blocked or private numbers claiming I owe money from a check cashing place. They will not send any information to you with there address. They just want to set up a payment plan and method of payment over the phone right away. If you do not agree with their one time offer of settlement, they will send you papers from court. Scammers......they are no where to be found online

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Toni Nixion
Company: Coasters
Number: 855-304-3487


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