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Jerry - 02-21-2015

Guy stated he was an attorney and I needed to call him back. I called back the 1-888-479-7358 number and he asked for my social security number I told him that if he was an attorney he could easily find out that information he became hostile and told me that I would get a warring for my arrest! What a joke! Scammers at their best using intimidation tactics!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Robert wells
Company: NLA
Number: 855-479-7358


Kay - 02-21-2015

Okay these guys are great at what they do they try it intimidate you to give them information!! They threaten to garnish your wages if you don't give them your full social security number and birthdate!! RUTHLESS!! So I told them go ahead and do it I am not giving you any information they guy then called me a "bi@@ch" and hung up on me! I reported them to he FBI!!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Rebecca
Company: NLA
Number: 855-479-7358


Becky - 02-21-2015

The women states that she is calling from NLA they made a fake web page and they want your Social security number and birthdate if you refuse to give it yo them they insist that you will be arrested! I told them to come arrest me then! LOL! They are a bunch of SCAMMERS Phising for your personal information perhaps to open credit cards in your name or to access you bank account! I called the police on them and also reported the number to the FBI!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Rebecca
Company: NLA
Number: 855-479-7358


Becky - 02-21-2015

Person states he is attorney Robert Wells and he has a subpoena that has to be delivered to you when you call back they want your social security number and birthday SCAMMERS!!! When I asked them why they quickly hung up on me!! I reported them to the FBI!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Jordon
Company: NLA
Number: 855-479-7358


Lucas - 02-19-2015

They kept calling for a Samantha Pool. I've had this # for 3 years and the lady got real smart with me.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Nation Advocates
Number: 855-479-7358


Theresa - 02-18-2015

Called and said if I didnt verify my ss number they couldnt speak to me and I refused, I told them you called me

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: David
Number: 855-479-7358


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