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Daniel Bailey - 03-06-2014

Caller said I owed money from a loan I took out in 2 2010. The account number did not match my paperwork. They called me at work. I have long ago paid up any loans I took out in that time period of my life and have the paperwork to proof it. The account numbers I have did not match theirs but these places always give everything a new account number. It was for a loan from Ace.
Don't ever deal with these shysters.

Definition: unethical person; unscrupulous person, especially a lawyer or politician!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Number: 855-853-6568


Harrassed - 03-03-2014

Caller was computer stating they were serving someone papers that id not live at my residence. Stated "You've been informed" When I called the number back to state they had the wrong number, "Samantha" proceeded to threaten me. When I hung up, she called my number back and proceeded to call me names and continue to threaten me. I hung up again, the calls proceeded for approximately 45 minutes which I did not answer.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Samantha
Number: 855-853-6568


Tammi - 02-24-2014

Called my place of employment telling them that they're trying to serve me papers!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Number: 855-853-6568


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