This number appeared on caller ID, left a message to call back and a number as reference. Who could this be? If somebody knows, please post away. Thanks.
Number: 866-343-3334
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It’s a debt collector from a hospital. And they try to collect a debt on my mother. They sent the bill 2 years later, and stated that Medicare denied a claim. When I contacted Medicare on behalf of my mother I was told that the Hospital put in an incorrect billing code and that’s why the claim was denied. And the patient is not responsible for the bill but they will do whatever they possibly can to try to collect that debt. Make sure if it’s not resolved to contact Medicare or your insurance provider and DO NOT SEND THEM A DIME. I have them in violation right now because it clearly states on the statement that patient is not responsible for debt because provider made the made the mistake.
Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Holly
Company: Self Pay
Number: 866-343-3334