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Call Receiver - 10-16-2014

Received call on cell phone from number in Jamaica 876-395-6290. Did not answer as I know no one in Jamaica. They did not leave a message. This is a scam. To the caller above, they didn't take your info because they want you to call them back so they can charge you an enormous sum of money for each minute you talk to them......Don't fall for this one either. This is just as bad as the phony debt collectors threatening you with lawsuits on debts you do not owe!

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 876-395-6290


Sis - 07-04-2014

caller said I won #889,00 and a new car. However asked me to call him back to verify my information. Why wouldn't he just get it while I was on the phone. He said he was delivering my prize today on July 4th

Caller type: Other
Caller: Michale Begay
Company: No prize winner
Number: 876-395-6290


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