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NOT Mrs Wright - 12-17-2014

Received a call on 12/17/2014 whereby the CNAM read as “Unavailable” and the CNUM read “1." The caller left the following voice mail message (I note that he sounded like an inebriated African American male): “This call is {unintelligible mumbling} my name is John Park I’m contacting you from locate and processing division in reference to a docket number of MC902929. Mrs. Wright, we have listed as the possible affiliate in regards to pending violations. At this time, I do request a verbal statement from yourself or your attorney before the legal process is completed. You can contact me directly at 877-263-4174 refer to the document, the doc number is MC902929. You have been notified, good luck.”

If there were legitimate, it wouldn't be a cloak and dagger mystery!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: John Park
Number: 877-263-4174


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