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Not Ignorant - 08-18-2014

These people & others like them usually call regarding a payday loan that has defaulted. Usually payday loan companies require a blank, signed check to hold for security in case a payment is missed. If that happens and the check does not clear when presented to the bank, the loan company will usually sell the "debt" to a company like DTA Group for pennies on the dollar. The new owner, like DTA, call you & say they will press charges for "check fraud" if the debt is not paid. Usually, they cannot do this because most district attorneys consider the check to be an "instrument of security", not an attempt to commit fraud. If the original payday loan company could have filed charges for "check fraud", they would have. I live in Texas & that is the case here. District Attorneys usually consider this to be a civil (debt) issue, not criminal. I have discussed this with an attorney & I suggest you investigate the situation in your area. They are not even legitimate debt collectors. They do not even follow the FDCPA which is required under federal law. For example, they will contact your employer and tell whoever answers the phone that they are sending someone over with "papers" unless you return their call. THAT IS AGAINST THE LAW! DTA Group and others like them (there are many)prey on frightened people who do not know the law. Also, a confirmation that they are operating outside the law is that they usually will not identify themselves by sending you a letter or freely & accurately giving their company name & address. Good luck! Don't let these crooks intimidate you!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Katy Shaw
Company: DTA Group
Number: 877-275-4952


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