FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android


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bother - 12-10-2010

Caller ID is Toll Free Call. It is NCO FINANCIAL SYSTEMS, INC 507 Prudential Road, Horsham, PA 19044. Fax # = 215-442-8253. President = Mr. Michael J. Barrist, CEO Director Legal Compliance Department = Ms Lisa Signor email=Lisa. CIO = Stephen Elliott email = Attorney & EVP = Joshua Girdin They are a sleezy collection agency specializing in trying to collect very old debts known as time-barred debts which are barred by law from being collected via any legal means since the statute of limitations to sue the debtor in their home state has expired. (5-7 years in most states). Lacking legitimate means to collect the debt they use trickery, intimidation & lies to get people to give over their bank acct. or cc numbers to pay bills from 5, 10 or even 20 years ago.  They call anyone with the same first & last name to try & collect whether they are the debtor or not.

Number: 877-304-8270


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