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Diana - 04-27-2010

This one is Applicant Services. Another one that will use your cell number to send you a text is [Career Inc. 56030 showed on my phone but they ask you to call (866) 250-7252] Got a text from them as well when you go to their website it takes you to another website. Part of new family of scams to either sign you up for some school or to eventually sign up and pay to use their services to help you find a job. The first that comes up will not ask you to pay but when you click more info or search jobs it takes you to the next page/site which does ask for sign up and/or money. Career Inc actually had the gall to respond on one of these sites like Applicant Services did here. They think if they come on here and explain that this will make people think that they are a legitimate company. So sad the things sales people will go through to make their numbers each month. (407) 902-3379 is one of the numbers that will show up on your caller id/phone but they ask you to call (877)338-0032

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Applicant Services
Number: 877-338-0032


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