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Chris Horner - 08-02-2010

As is usually the case with these sleazy type operations - someone from this company is usually reading these posts. PEOPLE, these folks will trick you into authorizing services for some obscure web posting you'll never be able to find!!! Then, the mysterious charges start showing up on your phone bill.

Here's a clue for ya buddy....don't call my business and insult me by claiming I am not who I say I am. My business changed a year ago - and for you to argue with me over the name of my the fastest way to guarantee you WILL NOT GET my business.

Here's another one. I live in America - we speak ENGLISH here. If you can't get a rep from your business to talk to me in a language I can understand - quit wasting your time.


Don’t Fall For The ZipWeb Scam
Jul 28, 2009 Author: Zander | Filed under: Business Essentials
Yesterday, I received a call stating that my local search listing was being upgraded to a featured listing for 30-days, at no cost to me. My spidey sense kept telling me to hang up the phone, but as I listened to the caller’s “pitch”, there seemed to be no harm, as they weren’t collecting any payment information from me or anything. He said something about “If you don’t want to continue after 30 days, just let us know and we’ll cancel at no cost to you”. So I said fine.

I decide to do some searching on this company ZipWeb, and I’m just bombarded with BAD REVIEWS. The bulk of the posts talk about how they tack on a $49.95-$99.95 charge to your phone bill, a tactic known as cramming. Most people forget to cancel, or never heard when the CSR mentioned the fact that you have to cancel or else you’re going to get billed. It’s only when they get their outrageous bill that they find out what happened. Of course, ZipWeb won’t give you your money back, and that’s how they get you.

Number: 877-366-2829


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