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Kevin - 08-26-2010

It is interesting that they call 3 to 6 times a day and if you do answer they ask the same questions. You inform them you already gave and to take you off the call list but it never gets done. My action was to contact the attorney general and report them. I also did give United blood Service the information first to stop the calls but they said they did not make them. Well another one down the drain..

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: United Blood Services
Number: 877-392-4483


Bleed - 01-11-2010

United Blood Services is insane as is the idea that they will stop calling is outrageous if you ask (see Pretty Angel above.) They out source your name and number. These are not volunteers they are paid professionals after a valuable commodity.

Give blood--Yes! (maybe Pretty Angel only gave once) But tell them when you sign-up you won't give if it means reminder calls.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: United Blood Services
Number: 877-392-4483


Damon - 12-01-2009

This is the United Blood Services calling to ask to donate blood. They don't call unsolicited. They got your number from you giving blood, you filling out an information card for them, or the person that had the number before you. If you tell them to stop calling, they will stop.

Caller type: Other
Company: United Blood Services
Number: 877-392-4483


Pretty Angel - 06-22-2009

Calls me everyday on my sell phone.

Caller type: Other
Number: 877-392-4483


Bic - 05-04-2009

Calls me everyday, starts to get really annoying.

Caller type: Fundraiser
Company: United Blood Services
Number: 877-392-4483


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